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PAINTINGS | ![]() |
Item No. | Title | Author/ Editor |
Publisher | Pub- lished |
Price | Contetns |
SP01406 | 畫狂人北齋展(P) | Exhibition catalog | Sano Art Museum | 2001 | 1,300 | 22.5x29.5/JPE./127P/112 color plates |
SP0150 | 大英博物館肉筆浮世繪名品展(P) | Exhibition catalog | Chiba City Art Museum | 1996 | 1,350 | 22.5X30/JPE.&英caption/231P/130 color plates |
SP0151 | 喜多川歌磨展(全二冊:圖版.解說編)(P) | Exhibition catalog | Chiba City Art Museum | 1995 | 1,800 | 23X30.5/JPE.英對照/533P/488 color plates |
SP0160 | UTAGAWA KUNIYOSHI:Exhibition to Commemorate the 200th Anniversary of Utagawa Kuniyoshi's Birth (P) | Exhibition catalog | Chiba City Art Museum | 1996 | 1,700 | 22X30.5/JPE.&Eng./300P/315 color plates |
SP0170 | 近世日本繪畫的諸相-四季的祝福(H) | Exhibition catalog | Chiba City Art Museum | 1996 | 1,500 | 20X26.5/JPE./214P/152 color plates |
SP0171 | Legacy of Japanese Art: Exhibition of the collections of Hosomi Collection, the Cleveland Museum of Art, the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, and the Arthur M. Sackler Museum, Harvard University Art Museums (P) | Exhibition catalog | Chiba City Art Museum | 1996 | 1,500 | 19X26/JPE.&Eng./218P/191 color plates |
SP0200 | 江戶時代的奇才-曾我蕭白(P) | Exhibition catalog | Museum of Imperial Collections, Sannomaru Shozokan | 1998 | 1,700 | 22.5X30/JPE. with Eng. caption/190P/78 color plates |
SP0201 | 橫山大觀展(1920-1950)(P) | Exhibition catalog | Museum of Imperial Collections, Sannomaru Shozokan | 1997 | 900 | 26X34/JPE./52P/20 color plates |
SP0202 | 橫山大觀的時代1920's-40's(P) | Exhibition catalog | Museum of Imperial Collections, Sannomaru Shozokan | 1997 | 900 | 22.5x28.5/JPE. with Eng. caption/56P/19 color plates |
SP02201 | 鏑木清方展(P) | Exhibition catalog | Yomiuri Press | 1999 | 1,200 | 22.5X28/JPE./208P/All color plates |
SP02202 | 上村松園.松篁.淳之展-畫業三代的精華(P) | Exhibition catalog | Mainichi Press | 1996 | 950 | 2.5X29.5/JPE./179P/26 color plates |