Prices are in NT$


1P 2P 3P 4P 5P

Item No. Title Author/
Publisher Pub-
Price Contetns
SP00661 Children Represented in Ukiyo-E (P) Exhibition catalog Tatsuno City History and Culture Museum 2000 1,500 21X29.5/JPE./52P/188 color plates
SP0080 100 Masterpieces of Japanese Paintings (P)(List Price:1,400) Exhibition catalog Idemitsu Museum of Art 1983 Offer Price
21X30/JPE.&英caption/186P/100 color plates
SP0090 Hiroshige-Tokaido Gojusantsugi (P) Exhibition catalog MOA Museum of Art 1982 950 23.5X22.5/JPE./72P/54 color plates
SP0091 Hokusai-Fugoku 36kei (P) Exhibition catalog MOA Museum of Art 1982 1,250 23.5X22.5/JPE./60P/46 color plates
SP00951 Jakuchu: Special Exhibition 200th Anniversary of Jakuchu's Death (P) Exhibition catalog Kyoto National Museum 2000 1,600 23X30/JPE. with Eng. caption/401P/146 color plates
SP0100 JAPANESE ART-The Great European Collections (12 vols./set) (Limited 500 sets) (H) Hirayama Ikuo Kodansha 1992 150,000 26X37.5/JPE./Each 256P/Each 128 color plates/Each 56 B&W plates
SP0101 UKIYO-E Paintings in Japanese Collections (10 vols./set) (Limited 500 sets) (H) Kobayashi Tadashi Kodansha 1994 120,000 26x37.5/JPE./Each 280P/Each 104 color plates/Each 56 B&W plates
SP01105 Sesson Exhibition: A Super-Eccentric of Japan's Warring States Period (H) Exhibition catalog Chiba City Museum of Art 2002 2,000 23.5x31.5/JPE. with Eng. caption/211P/134 color plates
SP0120 室町時代的繪畫展-詩畫軸.屏風.障壁畫(P) Exhibition catalog Seikado Bunko Art Museum 1996 700 12.5X21.5/JPE. with Eng. caption/115P/38 color plates
SP0130 Ukiyoe from Tokyo National Museum Collection (P) Exhibition catalog Tokyo National Museum 1993 750 21X29.5/JPE. with Eng. caption/146P/104 color plates
SP01302 浮世繪與綴錦畫(比利時)(P) Exhibition catalog Tokyo National Museum 1995 850 21X30/JPE. with Eng. caption/151P/143 color plates
SP01303 Sesshu Master of Ink and Brush: 500th Anniversary Exhibition (P) Exhibition catalog Tokyo National Museum 2002 1,900 21x30/JPE. with Eng. caption/340P/152 color plates
SP01304 橫山大觀-他的心與藝術(P) Exhibition catalog Tokyo National Museum 2002 1,300 25.5x36.5/JPE. with Eng. caption/126P/53 color plates


1P 2P 3P 4P 5P