Item No. | Title | Author/ Editor |
Publisher | Pub- lished |
Price | Contetns |
SP00010 | The Baur Collection-Japanese Prints (2 vols.)(H) | Matthi Forrer | Collections Baur | 2000 | 6,500 | 24x29/Eng./652P/606 color plates |
SP0011 | 大和繪的軌跡-中.近世美的世界(P) | Exhibition catalog | Osaka City Art Museum | 1994 | 1,200 | 21X29.5/JPE./182P/144 color plates |
SP00121 | The Illustrated Handscroll of the Tale of Genji (P) | Exhibition catalog | Goto Museum of Art | 2000 | 1,600 | 26X25/JPE. with Eng. caption/212P/50 color plates |
SP00130 | 雅之情景.京之日本畫-京都市立藝術大學的傳統與革新(P) | Exhibition catalog | Yokkaichi City Museum | 2001 | 950 | 21x30/JPE./179P/66 color plates |
SP00151 | 明治.大正美人版畫展(P) | Exhibition catalog | Ukiyo-e Ota Memorial Museum of Art | 1993 | 950 | 22.5X29.5/JPE./47P/102 color plates/109 B&W plates |
SP00152 | Exhibition of Torii Kotondo: The Works of Torii Kiyotada VIII, The 100th Anniversary of His Birth (P) | Exhibition catalog | Ukiyo-e Ota Memorial Museum of Art | 2000 | 1,200 | 22.5X30/JPE./71P/108 color plates |
SP00161 | 花與鳥的天堂-江戶時代長崎的花鳥畫(P) | Exhibition catalog | Kobe Municipal Museum | 1993 | 1,400 | 25X24/JPE./119P/121 color plates |
SP00175 | 河鍋曉齋與門人們(P) | Exhibition catalog | Kosugi Hoan Museum of Art, Nikko | 2001 | 1,000 | 22.5x28/JPE./87P/71 color plates |
SP00181 | 橫山大觀展(P) | Exhibition catalog | Mie Prefectural Art Museum | 2001 | 1,500 | 23x30/JPE./163P/67 color plates |
SP00191 | Unexplored Avenues of Japanese Painting: The Hakutakuan Collection (P) | Exhibition catalog | Otsu City Museum of History | 2001 | 1,000 | 22.5x29.5/JPE.&Eng./206P/104 color plates/17 B&W plates |
SP0020 | Paintings into Woodcuts, Woodcuts into Paintings:Woodcuts and Paintings of Medieval Japan (P) | Exhibition catalog | Machida International Museum of Graphic Art | 1995 | 1,200 | 21.5X27.5/JPE. with Eng. caption/144P/92 color plates |
SP00201 | 江戶之華 浮世繪展-錦繪版畫的成立過程(P) | Exhibition catalog | Machida International Museum of Graphic Art | 1999 | 1,900 | 22.5X29.5/JPE. with Eng. caption/322P/109 color plates |