Prices are in NT$


1P 2P

Item No. Title Author/
Publisher Pub-
Price Contetns
SS0080 A Beauty of Buddhist Sculpture (18) Hijiri Kannon (Yakushi-ji temple, Nara) (H) Ogawa Kozo Mainichi Press 1987 700 21.5X30.5/JPE./65P/All color plates
SS0081 A Beauty of Buddhist Sculpture (19) Godai Kokubosatsu (Shingo-ji temple, Kyoto) (H) Ogawa Kozo Mainichi Press 1987 700 21.5X30.5/JPE./65P/All color plates
SS0082 A Beauty of Buddhist Sculpture (20) Amida Sanzon (Jyodo-ji temple, Hyogo) (H) Ogawa Kozo Mainichi Press 1987 700 21.5X30.5/JPE./65P/All color plates
SS0083 A Beauty of Buddhist Sculpture (21) Jyuichimen Kannon (Muroo-ji temple, Nara) (H) Ogawa Kozo Mainichi Press 1992 700 21.5X30.5/JPE./65P/All color plates
SS0084 A Beauty of Buddhist Sculpture (22) Tentoki and Ryutoki (Kofuku-ji temple, Nara) (H) Ogawa Kozo Mainichi Press 1992 700 21.5X30.5/JPE./65P/All color plates
SS0085 A Beauty of Buddhist Sculpture (23) Nyoirin Kannon (Bodai-ji temple, Kyoto) (H) Ogawa Kozo Mainichi Press 1992 700 21.5X30.5/JPE./65P/All color plates
SS0086 A Beauty of Buddhist Sculpture (24) Yakushi Nyorai (Shingo-ji temple, Kyoto) (H) Ogawa Kozo Mainichi Press 1993 700 21.5X30.5/JPE./65P/All color plates
SS0087 A Beauty of Buddhist Sculpture (25) Nijyuhachibushu (Myoho-in temple, Nara) (H) Ogawa Kozo Mainichi Press 1993 700 21.5X30.5/JPE./65P/All color plates
SS0088 A Beauty of Buddhist Sculpture (26) Shaka Nyorai (Muro-o-ji teimple, Nara) (H) Ogawa Kozo Mainichi Press 1993 700 21.5X30.5/JPE./65P/All color plates
SS0089 A Beauty of Buddhist Sculpture (27) Nyoirin Kannon (Chugu-ji temple, Nara) (H) Ogawa Kozo Mainichi Press 1996 840 21.5X30.5/JPE./65P/All color plates
SS0090 A Beauty of Buddhist Sculpture (28) Dainichi Nyorai (Ensei-ji temple, Nara) (H) Ogawa Kozo Mainichi Press 1996 840 21.5X30.5/JPE./65P/All color plates
SS0125 Matsuhisa Sorin (H) Mitsumura Suiko Shoin 1997 2,000 22.5X30/JPE./183P/81 color plates/32 B&W plates
SS01311 動物雕刻的世界(P) Exhibition catalog Otsu City Museum of History 1999 950 21x29.5/JPE./79P/65 color plates
SS01401 Japanese Sculpture:KANNON (H) (List price:12,000) Nakano Genzo Tankosha 1982 Offer price
28X40.5/JPE./213P/96 color plates
SO02551 Contemporary Japanese Bamboo Arts(P) Robert T.Coffland Art Media Resources Ltd. 2000 1,400 25x25.5/Eng./143P/40 color plates


1P 2P