Item No. | Title | Author/ Editor |
Publisher | Pub- lished |
Price | Contetns |
SS00302 | 室生寺的佛像(P) | Exhibition catalog | Tokyo National Museum | 1999 | 500 | 21X29.5/JPE./66P/42 color plates |
SS0063 | A Beauty of Buddhist Sculpture (1) Ashura (Kofuku-ji temple, Nara) (H) | Ogawa Kozo | Mainichi Press | 1986 | 700 | 21.5X30.5/JPE./65P/All color plates |
SS0064 | A Beauty of Buddhist Sculpture (2) Senju Kannon (Toshodai-ji temple, Nara) (H) | Ogawa Kozo | Mainichi Press | 1986 | 700 | 21.5X30.5/JPE./65P/All color plates |
SS0065 | A Beauty of Buddhist Sculpture (3) Shaka Sanzon (Horyu-ji temple, Nara) (H) | Ogawa Kozo | Mainichi Press | 1986 | 700 | 21.5X30.5/JPE./65P/All color plates |
SS0066 | A Beauty of Buddhist Sculpture (4) Miroku Bosatsu (Koryu-ji temple, Kyoto) (H) | Ogawa Kozo | Mainichi Press | 1986 | 700 | 21.5X30.5/JPE./65P/All color plates |
SS0067 | A Beauty of Buddhist Sculpture (5) Yakushi Sanzon (Yakushi-ji temple, Nara) (H) | Ogawa Kozo | Mainichi Press | 1986 | 700 | 21.5X30.5/JPE./65P/All color plates |
SS0068 | A Beauty of Buddhist Sculpture (6) Shitennou (Todai-ji temple, Nara) (H) | Ogawa Kozo | Mainichi Press | 1986 | 700 | 21.5X30.5/JPE./65P/All color plates |
SS0069 | A Beauty of Buddhist Sculpture (7) Jyuichimen Kannon (Kogen-ji temple, Shiga) (H) | Ogawa Kozo | Mainichi Press | 1986 | 700 | 21.5X30.5/JPE./65P/All color plates |
SS0070 | A Beauty of Buddhist Sculpture (8) Amida Nyorai (Byodo-in, Kyoto) | Ogawa Kozo | Mainichi Press | 1986 | 700 | 21.5X30.5/JPE./65P/All color plates |
SS0071 | A Beauty of Buddhist Sculpture (9) Jyuni Shinshou (Shin Yakushi-ji temple, Nara) (H) | Ogawa Kozo | Mainichi Press | 1987 | 700 | 21.5X30.5/JPE./65P/All color plates |
SS0072 | A Beauty of Buddhist Sculpture (10) Rushanabutsu (Toshodai-ji temple, Nara) (H) | Ogawa Kozo | Mainichi Press | 1987 | 700 | 21.5X30.5/JPE./65P/All color plates |
SS0073 | A Beauty of Buddhist Sculpture (11) Godai Myoo (Kyo-o Gokoku-ji temple, Kyoto) (H) | Ogawa Kozo | Mainichi Press | 1987 | 700 | 21.5X30.5/JPE./65P/All color plates |
SS0074 | A Beauty of Buddhist Sculpture (12) Fuku Lasaku Kanon (Todai-ji temple, Nara) (H) | Ogawa Kozo | Mainichi Press | 1987 | 700 | 21.5X30.5/JPE./65P/All color plates |
SS0075 | A Beauty of Buddhist Sculpture (13) Kongo Rikishi (Kofuku-ji temple, Nara) (H) | Ogawa Kozo | Mainichi Press | 1987 | 700 | 21.5X30.5/JPE./65P/All color plates |
SS0076 | A Beauty of Buddhist Sculpture (14) Kudara Kannon (Horyu-ji temple, Nara) (H) | Ogawa Kozo | Mainichi Press | 1987 | 700 | 21.5X30.5/JPE./65P/All color plates |
SS0077 | A Beauty of Buddhist Sculpture (15) Nyoirin Kannon (Kanshin-ji temple, Osaka) (H) | Ogawa Kozo | Mainichi Press | 1987 | 700 | 21.5X30.5/JPE./65P/All color plates |
SS0078 | A Beauty of Buddhist Sculpture (16) Fujin and Raijin (Myoho-in temple, Kyoto) (H) | Ogawa Kozo | Mainichi Press | 1987 | 700 | 21.5X30.5/JPE./65P/All color plates |
SS0079 | A Beauty of Buddhist Sculpture (17) Unchu Kuyobosatsu (Byodo-in temple, Kyoto) (H) | Ogawa Kozo | Mainichi Press | 1987 | 700 | 21.5X30.5/JPE./65P/All color plates |