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1P 2P 3P 4P 5P

Item No. Title Author/
Publisher Pub-
Price Contetns
PR0010 New History of World Art-Oriental Art (17 vols.):No.10 第10卷 高句麗.百濟.新羅.高麗(H) Kikutake Junichi SHOGAKKAN 1998 8,000 26X37/JPE. with Eng. caption/472P/514 color plates
PR0011 New History of World Art-Oriental Art (17 vols.):No.11 第11卷 朝鮮王朝(H) Kikutake Junichi SHOGAKKAN 1999 8,000 26X37/JPE. with Eng. caption/454P/296 color plates
PR0012 New History of World Art-Oriental Art (17 vols.) No.12 South East Asia (H) Hizuka Takashi SHOGAKKAN 2000 8,000 26X37/JPE. with Eng. caption/464P/over 300 color plates
PR0013 New History of World Art-Oriental Art (17 vols.) No.13 India-1 (H) Hizuka Takashi SHOGAKKAN 2000 8,000 26X37/JPE. with Eng. caption/488P/over 300 color plates
PR0014 New History of World Art-Oriental Art (17 vols.) No.14 India-2 (H) Hizuka Takashi SHOGAKKAN 1999 8,000 26X37/JPE. with Eng. caption/458P/268 color plates
PR0015 New History of World Art-Oriental Art (17 vols.) No.15 Central Asia (H) Tanabe Katsumi SHOGAKKAN 1999 8,000 26X37/JPE. with Eng. caption/458P/268 color plates
PR0016 New History of World Art-Oriental Art (17 vols.) No.16 West Asia (H) Tanabe Katsumi SHOGAKKAN 2000 8,000 26X37/JPE. with Eng. caption/458P/268 color plates
PR0017 New History of World Art-Oriental Art (17 vols.) No.17 Isramic Art (H) Sugimura Tou SHOGAKKAN 1999 8,000 26X37/JPE. with Eng. caption/430P/307 color plates
PR0018 New History of World Art-Oriental Art (17 vols.) Index (H) SHOGAKKAN 2001 8,000 26X37/JPE. with Eng. caption/216P/many plates
SR0085 Beauty of Japan and Far East (P) Exhibition catalog Fukuyama Museum of Art 1994 1,300 21X29.5/JPE. with Eng. caption/128P/145 color plates
SR0086 印尼古代王國的至寶(P) Exhibition catalog Tokyo National Museum 1998 1,600 22.5X30/JPE.&Eng./231P/138 color plates
SR0110 The Cultural Articles of South-east Asia (P) Exhibition catalog TENRI Gallery, Tokyo 1977 280 18X26/JPE. with Eng. caption/32P/192 B&W plates
SR0111 Gems of Southeast Asian Art-Siam Tohchingbok Collection (P) Exhibition catalog Gotoh Museum 2000 1,250 23x29.5/JPE. with Eng. caption/127P/132 color plates


1P 2P 3P 4P 5P