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Item No. | Title | Author/ Editor |
Publisher | Pub- lished |
Price | Contetns |
PC0045 | Yamato Bunkakan Collection (4) Ceramics from Korea, Southeast Asia, Isram and Europe) (H) | Exhibition catalog | Museum Yamato Bunkakan | 1994 | 1,200 | 19X26/JPE. with Eng. caption/119P/16 colot plates/93 B&W plates |
PC0160 | Vietnamese Ceramics (P) | Exhibition catalog | Machida City Museum | 1995 | 1,250 | 21X30/JPE. with Eng. caption/87P/118 color plates |
PC0161 | Oriental Ceramics donated by Mr.Yoshio Yamada from Machida City Museum Collection (P) | Exhibition catalog | Machida City Museum | 1992 | 1,050 | 24.5X25/JPE./170P/70 color plates/521 B&W plates |
PC0162 | Ceramics from Indo-sina Penisula-Yoshio Yamada Collections (P) | Exhibition catalog | Machida City Museum | 1990 | 1,000 | 21X27.5/JPE./124P/48 color plates/519 B&W plates |
PC0205 | Korean Ceramic Series-18:Korean Ceramics of Choson Dynasty with Characters (P) | Exhibition catalog | Museum of Oriental Ceramics, Osaka | 1993 | 600 | 22.5X26.5/JPE.&Eng./25P/77 color plates |
PC0206 | Korean Ceramic Series-19:The Scholoar's Implements of the Yi Dynasty, Korea (P) | Exhibition catalog | Museum of Oriental Ceramics, Osaka | 1994 | 600 | 22.5X26.5/JPE.&Eng./25P/111 color plates |
PC02101 | Masterpieces of Oriental Ceramics from Museum of Oriental Ceramics, Osaka (new edition) (P) | Exhibition catalog | Museum of Oriental Ceramics, Osaka | 1999 | 1,500 | 21X29.5/JPE.&Eng./287P/181 color plates |
PC0211 | Blue and White in the East Asia (P) | Exhibition catalog | Museum of Oriental Ceramics, Osaka | 1997 | 550 | 21X30/JPE.&Eng./28P/36 color plates |
CC0254 | Chinese Ceramics from Singapore Collection (H) | Zhao Ziqiang | Guanxi Fine Arts Publishing House | 2000 | 1,850 | 22X29/Chi.&Eng./160P/190 color plates |
PC0260 | Masterpieces from Hagi Uragami Museum (Chinese and Korean Ceramics):Collections from Toshiro Uragami (P) | Exhibition catalog | Hagi Uragami Museum | 1996 | 1,800 | 22X31/JPE. with Eng. caption/231P/223 color plates |
PC02861 | 南海的美術工藝-南蠻.交趾砂張.木竹工(H) | Honda Hiroshi | Ribun Shuppan | 2001 | 2,200 | 24x32/JPE./166P/184 color plates |
PC02891 | 交趾燒展-本多弘氏收藏(From the Sulawesi Island, Indonesia)(P) | Exhibition catalog | 富山佐藤美術館 | 2001 | 1,250 | 22.5X29/JPE./112P/120 color plates |
XX01461 | 中南半島的陶磁(H)(List price:10,000) | Hasebe Gakuji | Ruji Shobo | 1992 | Offer
Price 4,500 |
19.5X26.5/JPE. with Eng. caption/366P/465 color plates |