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Item No. Title Author/
Publisher Pub-
Price Contetns
ND0190 Chinese Flowers Patterns(P) Wang Kangshen SMC Publishing 1988 320 21X28.5/Chi./244P
ND0200 Chinese Border Ornaments(P) Yuan Zhenhong SMC Publishing 1988 320 21X28.5/Chi./186P
ND0210 Chinese Buddhist Patterns(P) Ye Zhaoxin SMC Publishing 1989 350 21X28.5/Chi./204P
ND0220 Chinese Dragon Patterns(P) Huang Nengfu SMC Publishing 1989 320 21X28.5/Chi./184P
ND0165 Chinese Ceramis Ornaments(P) Deng Bai SMC Publishing 1989 450 21X28.5/Chi./228P
ND0161 Chinese Traditional Architecture Patterns(P) Chen Shouxiang SMC Publishing 1990 350 21X28.5/Chi./194P
ND0230 Chinese Characters Patterns(P) Pan Lusheng SMC Publishing 1990 380 21X28.5/Chi./226P
ND0240 Traditional Figures of Chinese Ladies(P) Liu Huihuang SMC Publishing 1990 360 21X28.5/Chi./188P
ND0250 Chinese Auspicious Animals Patterns(P) Wang Kangshen SMC Publishing 1990 360 21X28.5/Chi./228P
ND0260 Chinese Traditional Furniture Patterns(P) Xu Wen SMC Publishing 1991 360 21X28.5/Chi./212P
ND0265 Illustrated Dictionaly of Chinese Successive Dynasties' Implements Design (2 vols./set)(H) Gong Ning SMC Publishing 1994 1,600 26X35.5/Chi./894P/33 color plates
ND0281 Culture of Clothing among Taiwan Aborigines:Tradition, Meaning, Images(H) Li Shali SMC Publishing 1998 3,600 24.5X31/Chi. with Eng. caption/431P/over 400 color plates/200 B&W plates
ND0282 Traditional Dress in Taiwan 1860-1945(H) Penly Kao SMC Publishing 1995 3,600 24X31/Chi./335P/374 color plates
ND0290 中國歷代婦女妝飾(H) Gao Cunming SMC Publishing 1988 2,200 24X31/Chi./323P/441 color plates/204 B&W plates
ND0295 苗族紋飾(H) Luo Mairui SMC Publishing 1993 1,500 26.5X38/Chi./312P/442 color plates
ND0350 Ancient Chinese Costumes(H) Chen Congwen The Commercial Press (T.W.) 1993 2,700 26.5X38/Chi./568P/over 1250 color plates/151 illustrations
ND0390 Chinese Embroidery(H) Wu Ming Youth Cultural Enterprise 1992 1,500 22X30.5/Chi./224P/122 B&W plates
ND0410 A Wardrobe of Wan Li Empress-Silk Wovens from Mingding(H) Wang Yan The Grand East Book Co., Ltd. 1995 889 19X26.5/Chi./328P/135 color plates/145 B&W plates
ND0432 跨世紀織品服裝教育與研究發展-國際學術研討會論文集(P) Fu Jen Catholic University Fu Jen Catholic University 2000 1,000 19X26/Chi. with Eng. caption/382P
ND0440 中國紋樣之美-自然采豊篇(H) 陳曹倩 著 半邊天文化企業 2000 1,200 22x30.5/Chi.&Eng./124P/all color plates
ND04400 中國紋樣之美-歲時節慶篇(H) 陳曹倩 著 半邊天文化企業 1998 1,200 22x30.5/Chi.&Eng./105P/All color plates


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