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Item No. Title Author/
Publisher Pub-
Price Contetns
ND0013 Art of Folk-(1)Embroidery(H) Xu Ding ART Book Co. 1993 600 22X30.5/Chi./120P/150 color plates
ND0014 文物珍寶(6)明清織繡(H) Yang Ling ART Book Co. 1995 880 22X30.5/Chi./190P/150 color plates
ND0015 中華藝術道覽-京劇服飾(P) Shu Ding ART Book Co. 1996 450 15X21/Chi./192P/118 color plates
ND0017 保值收藏叢書(17)-龍袍(H) Wang Zhimin ART Book Co. 1994 480 15.5X21.5/Chi./166P/95 color plates
ND0018 Folk Embroidery of Miao and Han Tribes:The Tiger Transported into Dragon (P) Wang Weiguang Artist Publishing 2000 700 21X29/Chi./173P/288 color plates
ND0051 The Folk Clothing in Early Taiwan, 1796-1932(H) Huang Yongquan National Museum of History, Taipei 1995 800 22X30/Chi. with Eng.caption/160P/186 color plates
ND0055 The Beauty of Treasure Aboriginal Clothing(H) Exhibition Catalogue National Museum of History, Taipei 2000 1,200 21.5x30/Chi./356P/821 color plates
ND0056 清至近代緙絲特展(恕不打折)(H) Exhibition Catalogue National Museum of History, Taipei 2001 700 22X30.5/Chi. with Eng. caption/133P/92 color plates
ND0110 Special Exhibition of Embroidery(H) Museum catalogue National Palace Museum, Taipei 1992 850 21.5X30.5/Chi. with Eng.caption/152P/41 color plates
ND0120 Special Exhibition of Embroidery(P) Museum catalogue National Palace Museum, Taipei 1992 750 21.5X30.5/Chi. with Eng.caption/152P/41 color plates


1P 2P 3P 4P 5P 6P

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