Item No. | Title | Author/ Editor |
Publisher | Pub- lished |
Price | Contetns |
HC0500 | The Complete Collection of Treasures of the Palace Museum (60 vols.)(31)Porcelain of the Jin and Tang Dynasties (H) | Li Huihei | The Commercial Press (H.K.) | 1996 | 2,500 | 22X29.5/Chi. with Eng. caption/282P/257 color plates |
NC0010 | Special Exhibition of Early Greenware; Principally Yue Ware (H) | Lin Xuxin | Nien Hshi Foundation | 1996 | 6,000 | 26.5X36.5/Chi.&Eng./380P/225 color plates |
NC0014 | Beauty of Ceramics 7-Gems of the Wucai Porcelain (H) | Ye Peilan | ART Book Co. | 1996 | 980 | 22X31/Chi./224P/315 color plates |
NC0015 | Beauty of Ceramics 1-Gems of the Official Kilns (H) | Ma Xiwai | ART Book Co. | 1993 | 980 | 22X31/Chi./184P/315 color plates |
NC0016 | Beauty of Ceramics 2-Art of Folk Ceramics (H) | Yang Yongshen | ART Book Co. | 1993 | 800 | 22X31/Chi./176P/160 color plates |
NC0017 | Beauty of Ceramics 5-Ancient Chinese Ceramics (H) | Pong Shifang | ART Book Co. | 1994 | 980 | 22X31/Chi./180P/150 color plates |
NC0018 | Beauty of Ceramics 3-Blue & White Porcelain (H) | Ma Xigui | ART Book Co. | 1993 | 980 | 22X31/Chi./200P/180 color plates |
NC0019 | Beauty of Ceramics 6-Gems of the Doucai (H) | Ye Peilan | ART Book Co. | 1993 | 980 | 22X31/Chi./180P/150 color plates |
NC0020 | Beauty of Ceramics 4-Folk Blue & White (H) | Bi Keguan | ART Book Co. | 1995 | 800 | 22X31/Chi./112P/160 color plates |
NC0021 | Chinese Ceramics-Blue & White Porcelain (H) | Bi Keguan | ART Book Co. | 1993 | 680 | 19.5x27/Chi./200P/200 color plates |
NC0022 | Chinese Ceramics-Inscription of Ancient Chinese Ceramics 2 (H) | Bi Keguan | ART Book Co. | 1992 | 680 | 19.5x27/Chi./208P/200 color plates |
NC0023 | Chinese Ceramics-Ancient Chinese Ceramics (H) | Li Zhongzhen | ART Book Co. | 1996 | 600 | 19.5x27/Chi./174P/200 color plates |
NC0024 | Chinese Ceramics-Tang Tri-color (H) | Zhu Yuping | ART Book Co. | 1995 | 680 | 19.5x27/Chi./192P/136 color plates |
NC0025 | A History of Chinese Ceramics (H) | Zhu Yuping | ART Book Co. | 1996 | 680 | 19.5x27/Chi./168P/160 color plates |