Item No. | Title | Author/ Editor |
Publisher | Pub- lished |
Price | Contetns |
CC00100 | Ancient Pottery & Porcelain of Wenzhou (P) | Wenzhou Museum | Cultural Relics (文物) Publishing House | 2001 | 950 | 18.5x26/Chi./191P/179 color plates |
CC0011 | Dictionary of Ancient Chinese Ceramics (H) | Feng Xianming | Cultural Relics (文物) Publishing House | 1998 | 2,100 | 20X26.5/Chi./468P/over 200 color and B&W illustrations |
CC0016 | Koryo Celadon (P) | Zheng Liangmo | Cultural Relics (文物) Publishing House | 2000 | 660 | 18.5x26/Chi./138P/115 color plates |
CC0017 | Chinese Qianjiang Colored Ceramics (P) | Liao Jiyong | Cultural Relics (文物) Publishing House | 2000 | 700 | 18.5X26/Chi./100P/46 color plates |
CC0019 | Kwon-Glazed Porcelain (P) | Guandong Provincial Museum | Cultural Relics (文物) Publishing House | 2001 | 1,000 | 18.5x26/Chi. with Eng. abstract/171P/107 color plates |
CC0042 | Ancient Ceramics of Yangzhou (H) | Yangzhou Museum | Cultural Relics (文物) Publishing House | 1996 | 1,200 | 19.2X27.5/Chi./178P/188 color plates |
CC0045 | The Painted pottery in Xinjian (P) | Archaeological Institute of Xinjiang Province | Cultural Relics (文物) Publishing House | 1998 | 800 | 18.5X25.5/Chi./108P/52 color plates/112 B&W plates |