Item No. | Title | Author/ Editor |
Publisher | Pub- lished |
Price | Contetns |
NA0150 | Chang Foundation Inaugural Catalogue (H) | Museum Catalogue | Chang Foundation | 1991 | 1,600 | 21.5X30/Chi. with Eng. caption/144P/over 100 color plates |
NA0151 | Ancient Art from Hubei (P) | Council for Cultural Affairs | Chang Foundation | 1997 | 800 | 21.5X30/Chi.&Eng./224P |
NA0222 | A Special Exhibition of Early Artifacts in Kin-men (2 vols./set) (P) | Museum Catalogue | National Museum of History, Taipei | 1998 | 1,400 | 21.5X30/Chi./Plates:263P, over 150 color plates/Description:170P |
NA0750 | An Atlas of Ancient Maps in TAIWAN in '30s (H) | Jiang Yongming | Yuan-liu Publishing | 1996 | 2,800 | 25X30.5/Chi./240P/over 100 color plates |
PA0010 | Unearthed Treasures of China from the Collection of Arthur M.Sackler Museum of Art and Archaeology, Beijing University (P) | Museum Catalogue | IDEMITSU Museum of Arts | 1995 | 1,600 | 21X30/JPE. with Eng. caption/184P/197 color plates |
PA0020 | The Treasures of Inner Mongolia (P) | Museum Catalogue | Sogo Museum, Yokohama | 1996 | 1,600 | 21x29.7/JPE./135P/116 color plates |
ZCA090 | The Index of Comprehensive Table of Wenwu from 1st Number to 500th Number(1950.1-1998.1)(H) | Cultural Relics (文物) Publishing House | Cultural Relics (文物) Publishing House | 1998 | 950 | 19‚w26.5/Chi./444P |