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1P 2P 3P 4P 5P 6P 7P 8P 9P 10P 11P 12P 13P 14P 15P 16P 17P 18P 19P 20P 21P

Item No. Title Author/
Publisher Pub-
Price Contetns
NA0150 Chang Foundation Inaugural Catalogue (H) Museum Catalogue Chang Foundation 1991 1,600 21.5X30/Chi. with Eng. caption/144P/over 100 color plates
NA0151 Ancient Art from Hubei (P) Council for Cultural Affairs Chang Foundation 1997 800 21.5X30/Chi.&Eng./224P
NA0222 A Special Exhibition of Early Artifacts in Kin-men (2 vols./set) (P) Museum Catalogue National Museum of History, Taipei 1998 1,400 21.5X30/Chi./Plates:263P, over 150 color plates/Description:170P
NA0750 An Atlas of Ancient Maps in TAIWAN in '30s (H) Jiang Yongming Yuan-liu Publishing 1996 2,800 25X30.5/Chi./240P/over 100 color plates
PA0010 Unearthed Treasures of China from the Collection of Arthur M.Sackler Museum of Art and Archaeology, Beijing University (P) Museum Catalogue IDEMITSU Museum of Arts 1995 1,600 21X30/JPE. with Eng. caption/184P/197 color plates
PA0020 The Treasures of Inner Mongolia (P) Museum Catalogue Sogo Museum, Yokohama 1996 1,600 21x29.7/JPE./135P/116 color plates
ZCA090 The Index of Comprehensive Table of Wenwu from 1st Number to 500th Number(1950.1-1998.1)(H) Cultural Relics (文物) Publishing House Cultural Relics (文物) Publishing House 1998 950 19‚w26.5/Chi./444P


1P 2P 3P 4P 5P 6P 7P 8P 9P 10P 11P 12P 13P 14P 15P 16P 17P 18P 19P 20P 21P

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