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1P 2P 3P 4P 5P 6P 7P 8P 9P 10P 11P 12P 13P 14P 15P 16P 17P 18P 19P 20P 21P

Item No. Title Author/
Publisher Pub-
Price Contetns
CA12710 General Survey Ancient Bronze Drums (P) Jiang Tingyu Forbidden City Press 1999 500 18X26/Chi. with Eng. abstract/301P
CA12711 An Introduction to Desert Archaeology (P) Jing Ai Forbidden City Press 1999 330 18.5X26/Chi. with Eng. abstract/336P
CA12712 Notes on Astronomically Considered Relics and Monuments of China (P) Lu Sixian Forbidden City Press 2000 360 18.5x26/Chi. with Eng. abstract/368P/92 illustrations
CA12713 General Survey of Archaeology and Cultural Relics of China: An Insight into Relics From Minorities in China (P) Song Zhaolin Forbidden City Press 2000 330 18.5x26/Chi. with Eng. abstract/285P/63 illustrations
CA12714 General Survey of Archaeology and Cultural Relics of China: A General Exposition on Typography in Ancient China (P) Li Zhizhong Forbidden City Press 2000 370 18.5x26/Chi. with Eng. abstract/400P/90 illustrations
CA12715 中國考古文物通論-先秦貨幣通論(P) Huang Xiquan Forbidden City Press 2001 360 18.5x26/Chi./425P/137 illustrations
CA12716 中國考古文物通論-宮殿考古通論(P) Yang Hongyuan Forbidden City Press 2001 570 18.5x26/Chi. with Eng. abstract/592P/493 illustrations
CA12717 中國考古文物通論-漢代畫像石通論(P) Wang Jianzhong Forbidden City Press 2001 550 18.5x26/Chi. with Eng. abstract/531P/110 illustrations
CA1350 Glory of the High Tang Dynasty (H) Zhou Tianyou Zhejiang People's Publishing House 1999 1,000 22X29/Chi./167P/178 color plates


1P 2P 3P 4P 5P 6P 7P 8P 9P 10P 11P 12P 13P 14P 15P 16P 17P 18P 19P 20P 21P

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