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図書番号 | 書名 | 著者 | 出版社 | 出版年 | 価格 | 内容 |
OR0012 | Art of Southest Asia(H) | Maud Gairard-Geslan,et al | Abrams | 1998 | 9,000 | 32X26/英/635P/カラー.白黒図版共841点 |
OR00211 | Pearls of the Orient-Asian Treasures from the Wellcome Library(H) | Nigel Allan 編 | SERINDIA PUBLICATIONS | 2003 | 2,000 | 22X30/英/216P/全カラー図版 |
OR00212 | Treasures Unearthed from Hubei(湖北出土文物精粹)(英文版)(P) | 湖北省博物館 編 | 文物出版社 | 2008 | 1,600 | 21.5x28.5/英/237P/カラー図版148点 |
OR00251 | GILDED DRAGONS:Buried Treasures from China's Golden Age(P) | Caraol Michaelson | British Museum Press | 1999 | 900 | 22X28/英/176P/カラー図版120点 |
OR00505 | Gilded Splendor-Treasures of China's Liao Empire(907-1125)(H) -絶版, OFF対象外 | 特別展図録 | 5 Continents Editions | 2006 | 4,200 | 23x30/英/389P/カラー図版121点 |
OR00515 | China-The Three Emperors(1662-1795)(H) | 特別展図録 | Royal Academy of Arts, London | 2005 | 4,275 | 24.5x30/英/494P/カラー図版306点 |
OR0070 | At Home with Books(H)(定価2,000) | Estelle Ellis | Thames and Hudson | 1995 | 特価 1,200 |
23.5X31/英/247P/カラー図版250点以上 |
OR0071 | Mongolia-the Legacy of Chinggiskhan | Patricia Berger | Thames and Hudson | 1995 | 2,600 | 23.5X31/英/339P/カラー図版237点/白黒図版73点以上 |
OR0072 | A History of Far Eastern Art(H) | Sherman E.Lee | Thames and Hudson | 1997 | 3,000 | 30X23/英/576P/カラー白黒図版320点 |
OR00732 | Japonisme-The Japanese Influence on Western Art Since 1858(P) | Siegfried Wichmann | Thames & Hudson Ltd. | 1999 | 1,700 | 26.5x30/英/432P/カラー図版243点/白黒図版86点 |
OR00733 | The Majesty of Mughal Decoration-The Art and Architecture of Islamic India(H) | George Michell | Thames & Hudson Ltd. | 2007 | 2,600 | 25x29/英/287P/カラー図版300点以上/9780500513774 |
OR0074 | The Legacy of Genghis Khan-Courtly Art and Culture in Western Asia, 1256-1353(H) | 特別展図録 | The Metropolitan Museum of Art | 2002 | 2,400 | 22.5x30.5/英/322P/彩色図193版/白黒図版80点 |
OR0080 | The Arts of China to AD900(H)(定価2,500) | William Watson | Yale University Press | 1995 | 特価 1,500 |
22x29.5/英/277P/カラー図版96点/白黒図版300点 |
OR00803 | The Search for Immortality:Tomb Treasures of Han China(H) | James C S.Lin | Yale University Press | 2012 | 3,375 | 24.5x28.5/英/376P/カラー図版193点/9780300184341 |
OR0085 | The Communion of Scholars-Chinese Arts at Yale(P) | Mary Gardner Neill | China Institute in America | 1982 | 品切 | 21.5x28 /英/148P/白黒図版75点 |
OR094 | FIRST UNDER HEAVEN:The Art of Asia(H) | Hali Publications | 1997 | 3,100 | 30X23/英/224P/カラー図版246点 | |
OR0120 | Visions from the Golden Land:Burma and the Art of Lacquer(P)(原価1,800) | Ralph Isaacs and T.Richard Blurton | Art Media Resources Ltd | 2000 | 特価 1,250 |
22x27.5/英/240P/カラー図版208点/白黒図版17点 |
OR0130 | Japanese Decorative Arts of the Meiji Period(OFF対象外)(H) | Oliver Impey and Joyce Seaman | ASHMOLEAN HANDBOOKS | 2005 | 950 | 15x21/英/112P/カラー図版52点 |
OR00140 | Monks and Merchants-Silk Road Treasures from Northwest China(H) | Annette L.Juliano | ABRAMS | 2001 | 2,600 | 23x31/英/352P/カラー図版214点/白黒図版120点 |
OR0150 | Daitokuji(大徳寺):The Visual Cultures of a Zen Monastery(H) | Gregory P.A. Levine | University of Washington Press | 2005 | 2,400 | 18x25.5/英/444P/カラー図版65点/白黒図版69点 |
OR01501 | Accumulating Culture:The Collections of Emperor Huizong(H) | Patricia Buckley Ebrey | University of Washington Press | 2008 | 2,925 | 20x25/英/495P/カラー図版37点/彩色白黒イラスト89点 |
OR0160 | AFGHANISTAN-Hidden Treasures from the National Museum, Kabul(OFF対象外)(P) | Fredrik Hiebert 等著 | NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC | 2008 | 1,200 | 25.5x25.5/英/303P/カラー図版146点 |
OR0170 | Power and Glory:Court Arts of hina's Ming Dynasty(H) | by Li He and Michael Knight | Asian Art Museum of S.Francisco | 2008 | 2,700 | 22x30.5/英/280P/カラー図版149点 |
OR01801 | The Glory of the Silk Road:Art from Ancient China(絲綢之路)(P) | 特別展図録 | The Dayton Art Institute | 2003 | 1,600 | 25.5x30.5/英/251P/カラー図版130点 |
OR02301 | Treasures from Shanghai:5000 Years of Art and Culture(上海博物館珍蔵文物展)(P)(原価1,350) | 特別展図録 | Bowers Museum | 2007 | 特価 1,000 |
23x30/英&中キャプション/198P/カラー図版192点 |
OR02401 | Central Asian Art(H)(原価2,925) | Julien Depaulis | Greenwich Editions | 2003 | 特価 1,600 |
24x32/英/253P/全カラー図版/1904310419 |
OR02501 | Persian Art:Lost Treasures(H)(原価2,100) | Vladimir Loukonine | Sirocco | 2003 | 特価 1,100 |
24x32/英/256P/カラー図版290点/1904310133 |
OR02601 | Arts of Ancient Viet Nam:From River Plain to Open Sea(H) | Nancy Tingley | Asia Society | 2009 | 2,700 | 19x29/英/356P/展品約110件/全カラー図版/9780300146967 |
OR02701 | Maharaja:The Splendour of India's Royal Courts(H) | Anna Jackson& Amin Jaffer | V & A Publications | 2009 | 2,475 | 24x31/英/240P/カラー図版196点/9781851775736 |
OR034001 | Arts of Korea(P) | Jane Portal & Suhyung Kim &Hee Jung Lee | MFA Publications | 2013 | 1,000 | 18x23/英/188P/カラーイラスト115点/9780878467884 |