
永青文庫-細川家的名寶(MIHO MUSEUM 五周年記念)(P)
永青文庫 細川家の名宝
Arts Treasured by the Hosokawa Clan: Selections from the Eisei-Bunko Museum Collection

特展圖錄/MIHO MUSEUM/2002/22.5x30/277P/日&英caption、提要/彩色圖版195幅

永青文庫即是細川家所設立的財團法人博物館,此次假MIHO MUSEUN所展出的195組件(中國42組件、日本153組件)名寶展,包括中國的金工、佛像、陶磁、書畫以及日本美術中茶道具、能道具、繪畫、工藝等;這些歷代的收藏寶庫正足以說明以武見長的大名,除了藏品的質量可觀外,更重要的是數百年的收藏流傳有緒,由武家而躍為世界級收藏家之林的案例,實屬罕見。

The Eisei-Bunko is known as a treasure house which holds more than 110,000 objects traditionally handed down in the Hosokawa family. This exhibition focuses on Tea ceramony arts which form the heart of the collection, supplemented by works from the collection of the Eisei-Bunko's founder, the 16th generation family head, Hosokawa Moriatatsu. The exhibition includes four objects designated as National Treasures and 21 designated Important Cultural Properties, and its approximately 190 exhibits range from Chinese arts to Japanese paintings, calligraphy, and decorative arts.

NT$ 1,500