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編號 書名 著者 出版社 出版年 定價 備註
OR00140 Monks and Merchants-Silk Road Treasures from Northwest China(H) Annette L.Juliano ABRAMS 2001 1,600 23x31/英/352P/彩色圖版214幅/黑白圖版120幅/9780878480890
OR00220 100 Treasures(P)(原價1,012) The Museum of East Asian Art 編 The Museum of East Asian Art 2000 特價
OR00211 Pearls of the Orient-Asian Treasures from the Wellcome Library(H) Nigel Allan SERINDIA PUBLICATIONS 2003 2,000 22X30/英/216P/全彩色圖版/0906026601
OR00212 Treasures Unearthed from Hubei(湖北出土文物精粹)(英文版)(P) 湖北省博物館 編 文物出版社 2008 1,600 21.5x28.5/英/237P/彩色圖版148幅
OR00352 China:Dawn of a Golden Age, 200-750 AD(H) 特展圖錄 The Metropolitan Museum of Art 2004 3,200 23x30.5/英/392P/彩色圖版247幅/插圖107幅/0300104871
OR00353 Art of the Korea Renaissance, 1400-1600 (H) Soyoung Lee The Metropolitan Museum of Art 2009 1,800 21.5x26.5/英/140P/彩色圖版41幅/9780300148916
OR00362 Realm of the Immortals: Daoism in the Arts of China(P)(原價900) Stephen Little The Cleveland Museum of Art 1988 特價
OR00505 Gilded Splendor-Treasures of China's Liao Empire(907-1125)(H) -絕版 特展圖錄 5 Continents Editions 2006 售價
OR00506 Five Blessings:Coded Messages in Chinese Art(P) Estelle Nikles van Osselt 5 Continents Editions 2011 2,475 21x27/英/213P/彩色圖版50幅/9788874395576
OR00515 China-The Three Emperors(1662-1795)(H) 特展圖錄 Royal Academy of Arts, London 2005 4,275 24.5x30/英/494P/彩色圖版306幅/1903973694
OR0071 Mongolia-the Legacy of Chinggiskhan Patricia Berger Thames and Hudson 1995 2,600 23.5X31/英/339P/彩色圖版237幅/黑白圖版73幅以上/9780500237052
OR0073 Arts of Korea(H) Metropolitan Museum Thames and Hudson 1998 3,200 22.5X31.5/英/511P/彩色圖版100幅以上/黑白圖版100幅以上/9780300085785
OR00731 Arts and Crafts of INDIA(H) Ilay Cooper Thames and Hudson Ltd. 1996 850 22X26.5/英/160P/彩色圖版134幅/插圖64幅/9780500278635
OR00733 The Majesty of Mughal Decoration-The Art and Architecture of Islamic India(H) George Michell Thames & Hudson Ltd. 2007 2,600 25x29/英/287P/彩色圖版300幅以上/9780500513774
OR0074 The Legacy of Genghis Khan-Courtly Art and Culture in Western Asia,1256-1353() 特展圖錄 The Metropolitan Museum of Art 2002 2,400 22.5x30.5/英/322P/彩色圖193版/黑白圖版80幅/0300096917
OR00803 The Search for Immortality:Tomb Treasures of Han China(H) James C S.Lin Yale University Press 2012 3,375 24.5x28.5/英/376P/彩色圖版193幅/9780300184341
OR0085 The Communion of Scholars-Chinese Arts at Yale(P) Mary Gardner Neill China Institute in America 1982 售完
OR0094 FIRST UNDER HEAVEN:The Art of Asia(H) Hali Publications 1997 3,100 30X23/英/224P/彩色圖版246幅
OR0120 Visions from the Golden Land:Burma and the Art of Lacquer(P)(原價1,800) Ralph Isaacs and T.Richard Blurton Art Media Resources Ltd 2000 特價1,250 22x27.5/英/240P/彩色圖版208幅/黑白圖版17幅/1878529684
OR0150 Daitokuji(大德寺):The Visual Cultures of a Zen Monastery(H) Gregory P.A. Levine University of Washington Press 2005 2,400 18x25.5/英/444P/彩色圖版65幅/黑白圖版69幅/9780295985404
OR01501 Accumulating Culture:The Collections of Emperor Huizong(H) Patricia Buckley Ebrey University of Washington Press 2008 2,925 20x25/英/495P/彩色圖版37幅/彩色黑白插圖89幅/9867487818
OR0160 AFGHANISTAN-Hidden Treasures from the National Museum, Kabul(恕不打折)(P) Fredrik Hiebert 等著 NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC 2008 1,200 25.5x25.5/英/303P/彩色圖版146幅
OR0170 Power and Glory:Court Arts of China's Ming Dynasty(H) by Li He and Michael Knight Asian Art Museum of S.Francisco 2008 2,700 22x30.5/英/280P/彩色圖版149幅/9780939117420
OR01701 Power and Glory:Court Arts of China's Ming Dynasty(P) by Li He and Michael Knight AsianArt Museum of S.Francisco 2008 1,800 22x30.5/英/280P/彩色圖版149幅/9780939117436
OR01801 The Glory of the Silk Road:Art from Ancient China(絲綢之路)(P) 特展圖錄 The Dayton Art Institute 2003 1,600 25.5x30.5/英/251P/彩色圖版130幅/9780937809242
OR01901 The Religious Art of Zen Master Hakuin (H) Katsuhiro Yoshizawa Counterpoint 2009 1,170 14x21.5/英/225P/黑白插圖109幅/9781582434544
OR02001 The Age of Confucian Rule:The Song Transformation of China (H) Dieter Kuhn Belknap Harvard 2009 1,575 15.5x23.5/英/356P/9780674031463
OR02101 TAO TE CHING (P) Lao Tzu 著 Frances Lincoln Limited 1999 672 17x21/英/92P/全彩色圖版/9780711229648
OR02202 The Art of the Yellow Springs:Understanding Chinese Tombs(黃泉下的美術:宏觀中國墓葬)(H) Wu Hung(巫鴻) University of Hawai'i Press 2010 2,250 19.5x25.5/英/272P/彩色圖版83幅/9780824834265
OR02301 Treasures from Shanghai:5000 Years of Art and Culture(上海博物館珍藏文物展)(P)(原價1,350) 特展圖錄 Bowers Museum 2007 特價
OR02401 Central Asian Art(H)(原價2,925) Julien Depaulis Greenwich Editions 2003 特價
OR02501 Persian Art:Lost Treasures(H)(原價2,100) Vladimir Loukonine Sirocco 2003 特價
OR02601 Arts of Ancient Viet Nam:From River Plain to Open Sea(H) Nancy Tingley Asia Society 2009 2,700 19x29/英/356P/展品約110件/全彩色圖版/9780300146967
OR02701 Maharaja:The Splendour of India's Royal Courts(H) Anna Jackson& Amin Jaffer V & A Publications 2009 2,475 24x31/英/240P/彩色圖版196幅/9781851775736
OR030082 Bhutan:The Sacred Within(H) Kenro Izu Nazraeli Press 2008 3,375 33.5x42/英/96P/黑白圖版70幅/9781590052259
OR030083 Nomads and Networks:The Ancient Art and Culture of Kazakhstan(哈薩克)(H) Soren Stark等 編 Princeton University 2012 2,250 21.5x30.5/英/197P/彩色圖版150幅/9780691154800
OR033001 Masterworks of Chinese Art:The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art(H) Colin Mackenzie Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art 2011 1,125 28.5x28.5/英/103P/彩色圖版27幅/9780615488820
OR034001 Arts of Korea(P) Jane Portal & Suhyung Kim &Hee Jung Lee MFA Publications 2013 1,000 18x23/英/188P/彩色插圖115幅/9780878467884


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