PR0550 MIHO美術館-南館圖錄(中國、東洋編) 精裝 NT$3,000(恕不打折) 平裝 NT$2,600(恕不打折) 特展圖錄/MIHO美術館/1997/23X30.5/日&英caption/384P/彩色圖版149幅/黑白圖版28幅 PR0552 MIHO美術館-北館圖錄(日本編) 精裝 NT$2,500(恕不打折) 平裝 NT$2,200(恕不打折) 特展圖錄/MIHO美術館/1997/23X30.5/日&英caption/256P/彩色圖版111幅 本書是最近幾年來最引人注目的MIHO美術館開館的特展圖錄;共分兩冊《南館圖錄》與《北館圖錄》。 《南館圖錄》共149件藏品,以中國古美術為主,尚包含埃及、希臘、羅馬、西亞、南亞及伊斯蘭的古美術精品。所集藏的藝術品不僅是足以代表時代水平的經典作品,亦注重其本身的精神內涵。在短短六年內,委由國內外的專業人士、古董商代為找尋,而藏品質量俱佳,更令人稱奇。 《北館圖錄》共111件日本美術藏品(自四世紀~十八世紀)分成古陶、佛教美術、大和繪、漆工藝、書法、茶道美術、近代裝飾美術、乾山陶瓷。為美術館創立者小山美秀子四十年來個人的收藏品,讓這些藏品與社會大眾分享,而非為少數人服務,也藉此窺知日本傳統美術的美感。 MIHO美術館由國際名建築師貝聿銘所設計築成,主體建築與自然景觀完全結合。一流的藏品,一流的建築物相得益彰。(關於MIHO美術館可參閱十月份Orientations雜誌) PR0551 MIHO Museum-South Wing This is a catalog of objects in the opening exhibition of the Miho Museum's South Wing, which houses the museum's renowned galleries of Chinese Art, Egyptian Art, West Asian Art, Classical Art, South Asian Art, and Islamic Art. Highlights of Chinese art are ancient and inlaid bronzes, jade, laquer, ceramic tomb figures, Buddhist and secular stone sculpture, and gold and silver ware. South Asian Art features several important Gandhara sculptures. Illustrating an extraordinary range of objects, the catalog includes seven fresh essays by scholars who specialize in each region. PR0553 MIHO Museum-Nouth Wing The North Wing of the Miho Museum houses its collection of Japanese art, which consists mainly of Buddhist art, ceramics, lacquerware, painting, calligraphy, tea utensils, and decorative art of the modern age. Notable works include a statue of the bodhisattva Jizo, ceramics from the six old kilns of Japan, paintings in the Yamato-e and Rimpa styles, and over fifty ceramic works by Ogata Kenza. |