OT04701 Mandala:Sacred Circle in Tibetan Buddhism(H) Martin Brauen/ARNOLDSCHE Art Publishers/2009/23.5x28.5/英/262P/彩色圖版35幅/彩色插圖57幅/9783897903050 Originally published in Germany in 1992, this book gives a detailed and thorough explanation of the meaning, function, and rituals involved with the Kalacakra mandala. Each mandala in Tantric Buddhism is created to show "clearly and intelligibly the correlation between the adept's body and the universe. This lays the foundation for conscious control of the forces operating in this holistic system." Brauen, who has experienced himself the ritual involved with this mandala, focuses on the Kalacakra mandala as part of a larger discussion of the complex rituals and meditation practices involved with Tantric Buddhism. He has given us a book that will be especially useful for those wanting an in-depth treatment of the subject. Also provided are explanatory line drawings and stunning color plates (including pictures of the participation of the Dalai Lama). Recommended for academic libraries and any library serving patrons who have a significant interest in various aspects of Buddhism.?David Bourquin, California State Univ., San Bernadino NT$ 3,150 |