OT0070 Buddha:The British Museum(H) Delia Pemberton/Art Media Resources/2001/15x18.5/英/96P/全彩色圖版/1588860302 Images of the Buddha are numerous and varied, reflecting the myraid ways in which different cultures have chosen to represent this sublime figure and the stories associated with him. This richly illustrated book begins with a brief introduction to the basic philosophy of Buddhism and explains how to read the Buddha image. The author then goes on the illuminate carefully selected words and pictures of Buddha's past, the fascinating events of his life, a summary of his teachings, the Cosmic Buddhas, paradise, the afterlife and the future. The vibrant visual world of Buddhism is illustrated with stunning images from the British Museum's extensive collections juxtaposed with atmospheric photographs taken at Buddhist sites around the world. 特價NT$ 450(原價NT$ 720) |