編號 | 書名 | 著者 | 出版社 | 出版年 | 定價 | 備註 |
OO0011 | 供石觀 The Spirit of Gongshi:Chinese Scholar's Rocks(P) | Kemin Hu | L.H.Inc. | 1999 | 1,800 | 21.5x28/128P/中英對照/彩色圖版218幅/9781878529510 |
OO0012 | 怪石-Spirit Stones of China(H)(絕版) | Stephen Little | The Art Institute of Chicago | 1999 | 絕版 | 19.5X26/英/112P/黑白圖版66幅/0520220455 |
OO0013 | Art of the Natural World-Resonances of Wild Nature in Chinese Sculptural Art(H) | Valerie C.Doran | MFA Publications | 2001 | 1,650 | 19x25.5/英/157P/彩色圖版101幅/黑白圖版20幅/9780878466238 |
OO0014 | Awakening the Soul-The National Viewing Stone Collection(P) | Joe Mullan | The National Bonsai Foundation | 2000 | 絕版 | 26.5X23/英/88P/彩色圖版61幅/9780970439215 |
OO00161 | Five Thousand Years of GLASS(P) | Hugh Tait 編 | British Museum Press | 1999 | 1,150 | 22x27.5/英/256P/彩色圖版266幅/黑白圖版214幅/9780812218886 |
OO00205 | Treasures of the Kazakh Steppes-Of Gold and Grass:Nomads of Kazakhstan(H)(定價1,800) | 特展圖錄 | Foundation for Inl.Arts&Edu. | 2006 | 特價 1,100 |
23.5x30/英/320P/彩色圖版180幅/9780967845142 |
OO00212 | East Asian Lacquers in the Collection of the Seattle Art Museum(P) | Michael Knight | Seattle Art Museum | 1992 | 220 | 19x24/英/30P/彩色圖版22幅/0932216420 |
OO00213 | Ivories in the Collection of the Seattle Art Museum(P) | Gail Joice | Seattle Art Museum | 1987 | 220 | 19x24/英/27P/黑白圖版19幅/0932216250 |
OO00255 | Modern Chinese Scholar's Rocks-A Guide for Collectors(P) | Kemin Hu | Floating World | 2006 | 1,200 | 18x22.5/英/143P/全彩色圖版/9781891640346 |
OO00256 | The Romance of Scholar's Stones:Adventures in Appreciation(頑石山房藏石心路)(恕不打折)(H) | Kemin Hu | Floating World | 2011 | 2,250 | 22.5x28.5/英/147P/全彩色圖版/9781891640612 |
OO00301 | Four Centuries of Silver-Personal Adornment in the Qing Dynasty and After(P) | Margaret Duda | Times Editions | 2002 | 1,800 | 24x27/英/208P/全彩色圖版/9781588860316 |
OO00341 | Masterpieces of Chinese Lacquer from the Mike Healy Collection(H) | 特展圖錄 | Honolulu Academy of Arts | 2002 | 1,075 | 23x30.5/英/88P/藏品30件/全彩色圖版/0937426660 |
OO00361 | The Artful Teapot(H)(原價1,500) | Garth Clark | T&H Ltd. | 2001 | 特價 900 |
23x30.5/英/256P/彩色圖版250幅/黑白圖版35幅/9780500510452 |
OO00362 | Basketry-A World Guide to Traditional Techniques(H) | Bryan Sentence | T&H Ltd. | 2001 | 1,700 | 24x28/英/216P/彩色圖版697幅/黑白圖版136幅/9780500286708 |
OO0065 | Chinese Carving(H) | Craig Clunas | Sun Tree | 1996 | 2,000 | 22X31/英/103P/彩色圖版103幅/9813066121 |
OO0066 | The Art of Rhinoceros Horn Carving in China:中國的犀牛角雕刻藝術(H) | Jan Chapman 著 | CHRISTIE'S BOOK | 1999 | 絕版 售完 |
22X31/英/288P/彩色圖版208幅/黑白圖版193幅/0903432579 |
OO00951 | Gold Jewelry and Ornaments of Malaysia(P)(原價800) | 展覽圖錄 | Muzium Negara, Kuala Lumpur | 1988 | 特價 500 |
21x30/英/108P/彩色圖版102幅/9679935027 |
OO01001 | The Golden Deer of Eurasia-Scythian and Sarmatian Treasure from the Russian Steppes(P) | 特展圖錄 | The Metropolitan Museum of Art | 2000 | 1,600 | 22.5x30/303P/英/彩色圖版212幅/9780300085105 |
OO01002 | The Golden Deer of Eurasia-Perspectives on the Steppe Nomads of the Ancient World(P) | 特展圖錄 | The Metropolitan Museum of Art | 2006 | 1,450 | 19.5x25.5/英/243P/彩色圖版/9780300124033 |
OO01101 | Treasures of the Chinese Schlolar(集珍齋)(P) | Fang Jing Pei 著 | Weather Hill | 1997 | 1,600 | 25.5X26/英/165P/彩色圖版173幅 |
OO01102 | The Suyuan Stone(素園石譜) Catalogue-Scholars' Rocks in Ancient China (H) | Kemin Hu | Weather Hill | 2002 | 絶版 | 21.5x28/英/163P/彩色圖版188幅/9789745240162 |
OO01103 | The Inro Handbook-Study of Netsuke,Inro and Lacguer(H)(原價3,000) | Raymond Bushell | Weatherhill | 1979 | 特價 1,800 |
19x26/英/263P/彩色圖版126幅/黑白圖版396幅/9780834801356 |
OO01104 | Collector's Netsuke(H)(原價1,900) | Raymond Bushell | Weatherhill | 1971 | 特價 1,200 |
19x26/英/199P/彩色圖版354幅/9780834800564 |
OO01105 | Netsuke-Familiar & Unfamiliar-New Principles for Collecting(H)(原價3,000) | Raymond Bushell | Weatherhill | 1975 | 特價 2,100 |
19x26/英/259P/彩色圖版790幅 |
OO01106 | The Art of Netsuke Carving-by Masatoshi as to Raymond Bushell(H)(原價3,200) | Raymond Bushell | Weatherhill | 1992 | 特價 2,500 |
22x29.5/英/236P/彩色圖版356幅/黑白圖版394幅/9780834802650 |
OO01107 | Netsuke Masks(H)(原價3,200) | Raymond Bushell | Weatherhill | 1995 | 特價 2,250 |
22x29.5/英/206P/彩色圖版350幅/黑白圖版453幅/插圖42幅/9780834803411 |
OO01400 | Personal Ornaments of The Joseon Dynasty(P) | Soon Young Min | Sookmyung Women's University | 2005 | 1,200 | 23x21.5/韓&英中caption/129P/彩色圖版96幅 |
OO01500 | Flames of Devotion:Oil Lamps from South and Southeast Asia and the Himalayas(恕不打折)(P) | Sean Anderson | UCLA FOWLER MUSEUM | 2006 | 1,250 | 20x25/英/111P/彩色圖版79幅/9780974872933 |
OO01701 | Beyond Suiseki-Ancient Asian Viewing Stones of The 21st Century(H) | Foreword by Kemin Hu | Water Stone Press | 2006 | 1,200 | 20.5x25.5/英/141P/彩色圖版50幅/9780979372902 |
OO01800 | Khmer Gold-Gifts for the Gods(H) | Emma C.Bunker, Douglas A.J.Latchford | Art Media Resources | 2008 | 3,000 | 21x29.5/英/147P/彩色圖版112幅/黑白圖版9幅/9781588860972 |
OO02001 | 1000 GLASS BEADS:Innovation&Imagination in Contemporary Glass Beadmaking (P) | Cathy Finegan | LARK BOOKS | 2005 | 1,122 | 20.5x20.5/中/408P/彩色圖版522幅/9781579904586 |
OO02002 | The Complete Book of Glass Beadmaking (H) | Kimberley Adams | LARK BOOKS | 2005 | 1,122 | 21.5x25.5/中/176P/全彩色圖版/1579905722 |
OO020041 | Traditional Chinese Toggles:Counterweights and Charms(中國傳統掛件:平衡物與吉祥掛飾)(H) | Margaret Duda | Editions Didier Millet | 2011 | 4,275 | 24.5x29.5/英/272P/彩色插圖1314幅/9789814260619 |
OO020051 | Asian Ivory(H) | Jeffrey B. Snyder | Schiffer Publishing | 2007 | 3,600 | 23.5x31/英/256P/彩色圖版約250幅/9780764327285 |
OO020061 | Zhan Wang(展望):The New Suyuan Stone Catalogue(新素園石譜)(H) | Huang Du | Charta | 2011 | 2,100 | 21.5x28/英/143P/彩色插圖106幅/9788881588053 |