NC05672 也可以清心-茶器.茶事.茶畫(H) Empty Vessels, Replenished Minds: The Culture, Practice and Art of Tea 廖寶秀 撰文/國立故宮博物院/2004/21x30/中&英caption/199P/彩色圖版388幅/插圖22幅/9789575624620 在台灣講究飲茶可謂得風氣之先,各式茶館林立,從茶葉與茶器種類到空間裝潢,力求精緻完美,其中工夫茶、茶器更是獨領風騷。 此次特展,將院藏茶器、茶畫、茶書三者結合首次專題展出;然而院藏茶器不乏各時代之用器,尤其明、清茶器以宮廷用器為主,各式茶壺、茶碗、茶盅、茶罐多為文獻所記載,至於紫砂壺及晚清工夫茶器皆欠缺,可說展現了宮廷茶文化特色而不足以呈現歷代飲茶風貌。是故,特向國立自然科學博物館及東京國立博物館商借【唐代滑石茶器一套十二組】以及【宋代茶器六組七件】,祈使展出更具完整性。 The Museum's collection of Ming and Qing tea ware is mainly imperial. These various types of teapots, bowls, cups and caddies are recorded in official documents and can also be compared with examples described in painting and other texts. The enameled tea wares of the Kangxi, Yongzheng, and Qianlong reigns, produced at Jingdezhen and in the court workshops, are particularly prized because only one pair was made for each design. These Ming and Qing wares are the highlights of this exhibition. NT$ 1,450 |