NC0496 明清琺瑯器展覽圖錄(H) Enamel Ware in the Ming and Ching Dynasties (H) 陳夏生 著/故宮博物院/1999/20.5x22/中&英caption/290P/彩色圖版102幅/9789575623432 本書所錄,包括明朝嘉靖、萬曆以及清代康熙、雍正、乾隆三朝的瓷器。此時期的器物喜用吉祥圖案做裝飾,華麗精緻,千變萬化,令人讚嘆。 This volume presents 164 outstanding pieces of Ming and Qing cloisonne enamel wares in the collection of the National Palace Museum. Major improvement from earlier catalogs, it uses excellent photographs with details of reign marks, plus updated information from new research. |