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NC03000 故宮藏瓷大系:鈞窯之部(H) A Panorama of Ceramics in the Collection of the National Palace Museum:Chun Ware (H) 余佩瑾 著/國立故宮博物院/1999/27X39.5/中&英caption/255P/彩色圖版218幅 台北故宮瓷器收藏超過兩萬四千餘件,多傳自清室內府珍秘,皆屬至寶稀珍。1961年曾出版【故宮藏瓷】(全三十三冊),而今重新分門別類,匯整研析,遂為【故宮藏瓷大系】,配合公元2000年五月鈞窯瓷器特展,首部即以鈞窯為主題。 故宮鈞窯瓷器收錄約100餘件,皆清宮舊藏。此書共收錄109件作品,依據瓷器使用的情況,概分為器皿類鈞瓷48件包含碗、盤、洗、爐、瓶等器形;陳設類鈞瓷61件則涵蓋出戟尊、花盆及盆托、鼓釘洗等形叔瘠所錄鈞瓷的定年則重新比對考古資料,做較細膩的斷代。 This superbly illustrated catalogue revisits Jun ware in the collection of the National Palace Museum. In light of new research, 109 cream pieces have been selected to illustrate the best of Jun ware from the Southern Song to the Ming dynasty. Newly studied and redated, each piece is illustrated in large color plates, including details of footrings and inscriptions. Some very rare examples are also illustrated, including two Yuan-dynasty pillows inscribed by the Qing emperor Qianlong. 同系列: NC03001 宣德之部【上】(H) 2000年 |