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編號 書名 著者 出版社 出版年 定價 備註
OJ00021 Chinese Jades from the Collection of the Seattle Art Museum(P) James C.Y.Watt Seattle Art Museum 1989 900 22.5x28/英/128P/彩色圖版27幅/黑白圖版87幅/0932216285
OJ00031 Chinese Jades-Victoria and Albert Museum-Far Eastern Series(H) Ming Wilson V&A Publications 2004 2,500 21x24.5/英/127P/彩色圖版124幅/9781851774418
OJ00051 Jade:With over 600 photographs of jades from every continent(更新版)(H) Roger Keyerne Anness Publishing 2011 1,800 23x32.5/英/376P/彩色插圖530幅/9781903141861
OJ0010 A Jade Menagerie Creatures Real and Imaginary from the Worrell Collection(H) John Ayers AZIMUTH Editions 1993 2,250 22.5X24/英/208P/彩色圖版41幅/1898592004
OJ00150 Chinese Jade:From the Neolithic to the Qing(P) Jessica Rawson British Museum Press 2002 3,000 22x27.5/英/463P/彩色圖版420幅/黑白圖版310幅/9781588860330
OJ00151 7000 Years of Jewellery(P) Hugh Tait British Museum Press 2001 1,150 22x28/英/255P/彩色圖版629幅/9781554073955
OJ00152 Ethnic Jewellery(P) John Mack British Museum Press 1988 1,020 22x27.5/英/208P/彩色圖版120幅/黑白圖版50幅/9780714115870
OJ0020 NATURALISM & ARCHAISM:Chinese Jades from the Kirknorton Collection(H)(原價2,000) Brian Mrgan Carter Fine Art 1995 特價
OJ0021 The Brush & The Stone-The Dr Dean Edell Collection of Chinese Art(H) Christopher Randall P&D H.K. 1998 3,300 21x30/英/152P/彩色圖版100幅/9781878529541
OJ00501 A World of Earrings-Africa, Asia, America(H) Anne van Cutsem Skira editore, Milano 2001 2,400 24x28/英/359P/彩色圖版290幅/9788881189731
OJ00502 A World of Necklaces-Africa, Asia, Oceania, America(H) Anne Leurquin Skira editore, Milano 2003 3,150 24x28/英/464P/彩色圖版390幅/9788884915504
OJ00503 A World of Bracelets-Africa, Asia, Oceania, America(H) Anne Leurquin Skira editore, Milano 2002 2,400 24x28/英/378P/彩色圖版305幅/9788884912558
OJ00504 A World of Belts-Africa, Asia, Oceania, America from the Ghysels Collection(H) Anne Leurquin Skira Editore S.p.A. 2004 3,150 24x28/英/318P/彩色圖版210幅以上/9788884918659
OJ00505 A World of Head Ornaments-Africa, Asia, Oceania, America from the Ghysels Collection(H) Anne van Cutsem Skira Editore S.p.A. 2005 3,150 24x28/英/305P/彩色圖版230幅以上
OJ00590 A Universal Aesthetic Collectible BEADS(H) Robert K.Liu Ornament, Inc 1995 1,550 23.5x30/英/256P/全彩色圖版/9780964102309
OJ00602 Jewelry of Nepal(H) Hannelore Gabriel Thames & Hudson 1999 2,150 26X30/英/209P/彩色圖版320幅/插圖40幅/9780500019207
OJ00603 The Jewelry of SoutheastAsia(H) Anne Richter Thames & Hudson 2000 2,500 21.5x28/英/304P/彩色圖版353幅/黑白圖版129幅/9780810935280
OJ00604 Traditional Jewelry of India(H) Oppi Untracht Thames & Hudson 1997 3,300 23x28.5/英/430P/彩色圖版254幅/黑白圖版102幅/9780500287491
OJ0061 Gold Jewelry from Tibet and Nepal(H) Jane Casey Singer Thames & Hudson 1996 1,200 23X25/英/142P/彩色圖版100幅以上/9780500974421
OJ0070 STONES OF VIRTUE:Chines Jades from the Gerald Godfrey Collection(P)(原價NT$700) 特展圖錄 The DAYTON Art Institute 1989 特價
OJ00751 Chinese Jade-Selected articles from Orientations 1983-2003(增訂版)(恕不打折)(P) 編委會 編 Orientations 2005 2,200 21x28.5/英/220P/彩色圖版300幅/黑白圖版185幅
OJ0080 Later Chinese Jades-Ming Dynasty to Early Twentieth Century from the Asian Art Museum(H) Michael Knight 等著 Asian Art Museum of S.Francisco 2007 3,400 23x30/英/366P/彩色圖版388幅/9780939117413
OJ0090 Translucent World-Chinese Jade from the Forbidden City(晶瑩的世界:故宮藏中國古代玉器)(P) Liu Yang with Edmund Capon Art Gallery of New South Wales 2007 1,800 21x21/英&中Cap/229P/彩色圖版157幅/9780734763976
OJ015001 Chinese Jades From Neolithic to Qing:The Youngman Collection(楊門藏玉:中國玉器 新石器時代至清代)(H) Robert P.Youngman Art Media Resources 2008 3,800 23x30.5/英&中Cap/222P/彩色圖版215幅/9781588860989
OJ016001 The Art of Beadwork:Historic Inspiration, Contemporary Design (P) Valerie Hector Watson Guptill 2005 1,125 23x28/英/160P/彩色黑白圖版/823003078
OJ017001 Asia's Maritime Bead Trade:300B.C. to the Present (H) Peter Francis,Jr. University of Hawai'i Press 2002 2,340 20.5x33.5/英/305P/彩色圖版48幅/黑白圖版48幅/082482332X
OJ018001 The Immortal Stone:Chinese jades from the Neolithic period to the twentieth century (H) James C.S.Lin Scala Publishers 2009 2,025 21x25/英/160P/彩色圖版105幅/9781857595819
OJ019001 The History of Beads:From 100,000 B.C. to the Present Revised and Expanded Edition(H) Lois Sherr Dubin 著 ABRAMS 2009 3,375 23x30/英/396P/彩色圖版433幅/9780810951747
OJ020001 5000 Years of Chinese Jade:Featuring Selections from the National Museum of History, Taiwan and The Arthur M.Saclder Gallery, Smithsonian Institution (P) 特展圖錄 San Antonio Museum of Art 2011 1,350 23x28/英/130P/彩色圖版89幅/9780615471808


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