HB0202 吳越地區青銅器研究論文集(H) Study of Wu and Yue Area Bronzes (H) 馬承源 主編/香港兩木出版社/1997/22X29/中/306/黑白圖版50幅以上 A compilation of papers on archaic bronzes found in the Wu and Yue areas presented by over 20 international scholars led by Ma Chengyuan. They investigate numerous aspects of bronzes found at these sites, address several problem areas of previous reseach, and present their latest findings and new insights in this volume. Notable scholars include Ma Chengyuan, Li Xueqin, Thomas Lawton, Jenny F. So, Lothar von Falkenhausen, and Jessica Rawson. Text in Chinese. 特價NT$ 1,680(原價NT$2,180) |